August 13, 2007Name-Dropping in Presentations A friend of mine once hosted at the University of Cincinnati a special committee which included both business leaders and university […]
July 9, 2007Be Direct! Last winter when our family was sightseeing in Italy, our rental car had an installed Global Positioning System. Over a period […]
June 25, 2007Add Spice to Your Speech with Dialogue As we checked in our luggage at the Fort Myers Airport, the Delta agent was intrigued by our taped suitcase. “And […]
June 4, 2007Adapting on the Spot Once I was listening to an outstanding speaker when an audience member, succumbing to a long day of meetings, went to […]
May 21, 2007Keeping Material Fresh in Your Speeches As we prepared to take off from Cincinnati to Buffalo, the flight attendant rattled through her welcome speech so quickly that […]
May 8, 2007So You Have to Deliver a Manuscript Speech! Years ago, a Kentucky State Senator was delivering a speech in the legislative session. The speech had been written by a disgruntled […]
April 16, 2007Did I Hear What You Really Meant To Say? A wife asked her husband, “Have you heard the story about the dirty window?” […]
April 2, 2007Reputation Precedes Your SpeechReputation Precedes Your Speech A few years ago, my wife with dismay realized her reputation for fender benders. When she walked into […]