ATTENTION! The Art of Holding Your Audience in the Palm of Your HandATTENTION! The Art of Holding
Your Audience in the Palm of Your Hand

“Most studies say people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. This means… if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy,” as Jerry Seinfeld is quoted as saying. Packed full of ready-to-use tips for your next presentation, ATTENTION! The Art of Holding Your Audience in the Palm of Your Hand explores all aspects of effective presentations, from preparation to eulogies to getting better when you are already good.

The 18 strategies presented in this entertaining book furnish you with immediate help to manage stage fright, craft engaging illustrations, deliver with pizzazz, and keep your audience at attention.


ISBN-13: 9781601458599
Published by Ajalon Press

Regular Price: $21.95 each

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