Steve is one of UID’s core faculty members and is a real pleasure to work with. He receives rave reviews from our attendees year after year, with many commenting that the content and tips presented have helped them in both their personal and professional lives.”

Molly Thompson McGill, Executive Director
University of Innovative Distribution


Steve’s workshop on “The Power of the Spoken Word” will guide your people to a greater understanding of the importance of each word they say or write.

Participants will:

  • Learn how to understand and be understood
  • Understand that how you communicate can be as important as what you say
  • Learn to remember names
  • Develop active listening skills
  • Incorporate perception as part of communication
  • Access ways to handle conflict

Steve uses his experiences with financial institutions to pinpoint how to translate statistical data into personal stories and illustrations to better reach your clients. Participants will relate to clients on a level they understand and thus will be better understood—which results in a bottom line advantage for your company.

Related article by Steve Boyd: The Beginning of Listening: Silence