
January 9, 2012

Have a Hook!

Most business speakers who represent their companies as they speak to clients do not have ambitions to become motivational speakers. You, however, can learn to improve […]
November 2, 2011

Choose the BEST Word!

Earl Nightingale said, "If our vocabulary is limited, then our thinking will be limited." One way that we can continually become better presenters is to […]
February 9, 2011

Preparation Requires Going to the Source

          With everyone having access to materials on the internet, we as speakers have more challenges in developing content that is new, original, and recent. […]
April 6, 2010

The “Wow!” Factor

Every speech needs a “Wow!” factor—content that makes the audience respond with “Wow! I didn’t know that!”  In fact, if you are delivering a 30-minute […]
November 18, 2009

No Apology Needed!

  Recently I heard a speaker open his speech by apologizing because he did not know he was supposed to speak. He told the audience […]