One technique to get more out of the day is to look for signs of the seasons. Spring is my favorite season because so much of what I see reminds me of a fresh start, a new beginning. Certainly budding trees, blooming daffodils, and greening grass are obvious indications of the season. Each person, however, has rituals or actions which are signs of spring.
I officially consider it spring when I get my red Miata convertible out of storage as I did yesterday. My trip to Keeneland in April and taking the space heaters to the basement tell me it is spring. Spring is the time to clean out the fireplace, get out my short-sleeved knit shirts, and purchase my fishing license. Enjoying a local restaurant’s outdoor patio overlooking the Ohio River lets me know the new season has arrived. Cleaning my hummingbird feeders and visualizing the two pairs who make their home in my back yard in a few weeks get me excited about the outdoors. Driving to a meeting at 7:00 in the evening when the sun is still shining makes me look forward to long days. Birds singing as the sun rises reminds me of the new season.
Take a few minutes and think of the parts of your personal life that remind you of spring. Being present in the moment means looking for signs—signs of spring. Develop structure to what you pay attention to. I miss less and enjoy more when I am reminded of the signs of spring.