Lanita's uncle Tommy retired a few years ago from driving semi-trailer trucks all over the United States. He drove over 2 million miles without an accident. I asked him the secret to such a record. His response, "Always look down the road ahead of you for brake lights."
A key attention principle is in this simple, but profound statement. Anticipate! Look ahead mentally to the phone conversation you are about to have or the meeting you are conducting in an hour. Consider the conversation you are going to have with your manager or spouse.
When you anticipate, you are developing the mental exercise of focusing on important matters in your day. Take a moment to jot down calls, projects, and errands you need to do that day.
The next time you are at a baseball game, watch for the 10-year-old with the ball glove in his hand. He is usually riveted to the play on the field because he is anticipating that the next ball hit will land in his glove. He is giving his all to the action in front of him. You can do the same with your own interests.
A skill you can develop to maximize your day is the ability to "look down the road.”