Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been criticized for not asking questions during oral arguments. His response is "…in law school, I could learn better […]
For years in my presentation seminars, I’ve taught that business speakers must learn to use humor in their presentations to be successful. Our audiences of […]
Certainly writing style is much different from oral style. Word choice, for example, is simpler and more informal in speaking than in writing. But you […]
In my listening seminars and university classes, students learn that empathic listening, or listening from the heart, will affect other aspects of communication. Colin Firth […]
As I was looking through costumes in a department store two days before Halloween, Christmas music was playing on their sound system. This morning, ten […]
In one of Jerry Seinfeld’s monologues, he said, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is […]