About Steve Boyd

Dr.  Stephen Boyd has been the pulpit minister for the Central Church of Christ in Cincinnati for 42 years minus a two-year hiatus.S Boyd-no tie cropped He is also Professor Emeritus of Speech Communication at Northern Kentucky University. He is a past recipient of the “Outstanding Professor of the Year” award there, where he taught consistently popular courses in speaking, listening, and training. Steve was a Toastmaster International Speech Contest winner. He and his son Josh co-authored From Dull to Dynamic: Transforming Your Presentations. He and his wife Lanita wrote ATTENTION! The Art of Holding Your Audience in the Palm of Your Hand. Steve’s most recent devotional book is He Knows My Song. He received his undergraduate degree from Lipscomb University, his Master’s degree from Kansas State University of Pittsburg, and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. He and Lanita live in Fort Thomas, Kentucky, ten minutes from downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. Steve enjoys fishing, reading, travel, and time spent with his family. He loves God and loves sharing God’s Word and his own spiritual thoughts.

Addressing issues of spiritual significance