Wall Street Journal

January 21, 2013

In My Own Hand

I rarely blog about written communication, but a quotation I read in a recent Wall Street Journal motivated me to write this. My mother died […]
November 5, 2012

Is the Cue Card Still Relevant?

You would think that the cue card would be obsolete with all the technology available today. As speakers, announcers, and performers, why should we need […]
February 4, 2012

Let’s Stand and Meet

According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, stand-up meetings are becoming common in some companies.  In one company, Atomic Object, employees follow […]
February 16, 2011

Listen, Ask, Listen Again

The words in the title of this piece are part of key training skills Delta Airlines is using to send 11,000 agents back to school, according […]