
September 4, 2012

Speaking with an Interpreter

Even in the United States, we sometimes feel by the audience reaction that we need an interpreter. We may think, “I am speaking English to […]
August 20, 2012

Winter in Natal

I do not like winter!  I don’t like waking up on a January morning when the temperature is below zero and six inches of snow […]
July 24, 2012

Making Your Space Count

In the neighborhood where we work, residents do not have much space for a yard. The churchyard is about 4 feet by 20 feet and […]
July 15, 2012

Thumbs Up!

I speak no Portuguese, and English is not a common language here in Natal, Brazil. But after much trial and error, I have found that […]
July 3, 2012

High Stakes Dominoes

I’ve learned the past few weeks in Natal how much the role of curiosity plays in what we pay attention to.  Almost every morning, very […]