This year, with you as our auctioneer, the Live Auction exceeded our expectations and was an overwhelming success. You enticed bidders to open their wallets and many items were purchased for greater than their actual value. Bidders found it entertaining and got caught up in the excitement and competition of bidding.”

Don Connley, Director Maintenance and Operations
University of Cincinnati


Steve is not a professional auctioneer, but he sure sounds like it. If you’d like to raise money for a favorite charity, Steve can get the audience involved in shelling out the cash for your fundraiser. He’ll give your after-dinner speech and include the auction at no extra charge. Go for the high bid today and give him a call!

The auctioneer’s chant catches and holds attention like no other combination of words and sounds. You will love to see Steve in action as he not only uses the chant in his speech but actually sells items to raise money for your organization’s favorite scholarship fund or charity.

Steve’s auction cry motivates the audience!

Steve learned the auctioneer’s fast moving call from his Uncle Mark, who was an Indiana auctioneer. He would be happy to work it into your next meeting.