Communication Newsletter

December 17, 2012


Are you a bit shocked at what you’re seeing? Are you delighted to see Steve’s Communication Newsletter without a word from Lanita? You will also […]
December 10, 2012

Lazy Speech Habits

“I listened recently to a teacher using “uh” so often that it became distracting and I could not pay attention to his content.  We speakers […]
October 30, 2012

The Mechanics of Reading Your Speech

Certain situations require a manuscript speech, such as a eulogy or a CEO’s policy statement. In the last newsletter, I gave strategies for writing a […]
September 4, 2012

Speaking with an Interpreter

Even in the United States, we sometimes feel by the audience reaction that we need an interpreter. We may think, “I am speaking English to […]
August 15, 2012

Prove It

If you go to a medical facility for treatment, you had better have your birth date—day, month, and year—on the tip of your tongue because […]